Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How To Get A Free Copy of UNDEAD LA

Do you love zombies? Do you read on Kindle? Would you like to get a free copy of my new zombie series UNDEAD LA? Here's how -

STEP ONE: Go to my AUTHOR PAGE ON AMAZON and buy a copy of ZOMBIE ATTACK or THE RISING DEAD for your Kindle.

Download it, read it, and enjoy. Once you've finished this step you are ready to move on to...

STEP TWO:  Go back to Amazon and write a review of ZOMBIE ATTACK or THE RISING DEAD on Amazon. It doesn't have to be fancy. All you need to do is jot down what you thought and give it an honest star rating from 1 to 5. For example:

"I really enjoyed this book. It had great characters and nonstop zombie action." 5 stars. 


"I was so scared I didn't sleep for a week! Great job!" 5 stars.

or even 

"Devan Sagliani is my favorite new author. I can't wait to read everything he ever wrote twice!" 5 stars.

You get the idea.

Once you have posted your review of either ZOMBIE ATTACK or THE RISING DEAD make sure you don't forget to tweet it out and tell your friends on Facebook. It may take a bit for Amazon to approve it but eventually your review will be live. At that point go to the permlink and copy the URL with your review. You are going to need it for...

STEP THREE: Email me the URL of your Amazon review of either ZOMBIE ATTACK or THE RISING DEAD. You will also want to include the following:

Your Name
Your Age
Your Email (the one you use to download books)
Your Twitter
Your favorite character in one of my books and why

for example:

Adam Smith
Gunner from THE RISING DEAD is my favorite character because he kicks zombie ass!

STEP FOUR: Wait for me to release the 1st installment of UNDEAD LA in early September 2013 and email you back how to pick up your copy. It's as simple as that!

You may be asking at this point, but what if I've already reviewed one or both of those books? Can I still get a free copy of UNDEAD LA? The answer is ...of course! You deserve one! But please still send me an email with all the info that I asked for in STEP THREE so I don't lose track of you.

Send all emails to devan(at)devansagliani(dot)com. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


Devan Sagliani

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